Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Is LAMPP a 501(C)(3) nonprofit tax-exempt charitable organization?
Yes. The Living American Master Photographers Project [LAMPP] received its 501(C)(3)
nonprofit tax-exempt certification from the IRS on February 4th, 2004.

What is LAMPP's Mission?
Capturing a shared oral and visual history of American master photography 

How does LAMPP contribute to community life?
LAMPP enriches community life by providing programs that integrate the oral histories, images, and insights of participating master photographers. Understanding these insights and reflections help better society through a direct connection with the living artist. 

How can I support LAMPP?
You can support LAMPP with a tax-deductible donation payable to the Living American Master Photographers Project, Inc., create a matching grant challenge, plan estate bequests, gift in kind donations of goods and services, or volunteer your valuable time and professional expertise. It’s easy. Contact LAMPP directly at (602) 867-4116 or send an email to to find out more.

Why document LAMPP participants?
Photographers are on the spot historians. LAMPP documents participant's oral and visual histories to communicate the experiences and insights accumulated through direct social observation. LAMPP participants represent a cross section of photographic professionals as diverse as the media they create. Behind every photograph is a witness. LAMPP honors the witness.

How are LAMPP participants’ chosen?
An Artistic Advisory Committee appointed by the LAMPP board of directors select candidates. A list of these individuals is submitted to the LAMPP board for additional consideration. Older candidates are generally prioritized over younger ones. These candidates are then contacted by LAMPP and asked to become participants.

How does LAMPP document participants?
LAMPP documents participants using a portrait and interview process. LAMPP also collects additional historical content from each participant in an effort to make public interaction more meaningful.

What is LAMPP’s relation to our national perspective?
Our national perspective is America’s cumulative visual identity. LAMPP documents the evolution of this distinctiveness as it relates to still photography, cinematography, and videography; respectfully.

How is our national perspective shaped by photography?
American photographers create an enormous amount of content. Their images are a constant and dynamic reflection of our way of life. How we see and understand ourselves is relative to the content we consume. As photographs distribute, both domestically and internationally, the influence of American style, ideals, and aesthetic quality develop from our diverse photographic communities producing a unique national perspective. 

How do I become a LAMPP volunteer?
LAMPP is always looking for enthusiastic volunteers. Send your resume and a cover letter to: LAMPP Volunteers 3550 East Campbell Suite 421 Phoenix, AZ 85018. Share your light. Become a part of LAMPP

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